Monday, October 13, 2014

Not that we were stale or standing still . . . Now We’re Updated, Refocused and Refreshed!

Your might say we’ve gone back to our roots, literally. Thumbprint Endeavors LLC is branching out while doubling back to capitalize on our strengths and interests in the environment and education.  We’re by no means moving away from sustainability and Green Building consulting, its just that by addressing the needs of the educational arena, like effective classrooms and engaging school sites, we can do even more to promote healthy green environments.  We are also moving into more projects related to design of outdoor settings like gardens and natural areas.

One recent example is a community service project with East End Community Center and Ruskin School in Dayton.  This nearly 1000 sq. foot garden was made possible with donations and grant monies for plant materials and installation of a water pump.

Linda designed a Learning Garden site plan for this empty city lot, selecting appropriate hardy plant materials (over 115 in all – trees, bushes, perennials and bulbs) to give the site year-round interest in all directions.  Extensive site prep, planting and laying out four raised beds for vegetables and wheelchair accessible walkways took several weeks.

To their credit, our group of hardy volunteers hung in there, encountering at least a million rocks of varying shapes and sizes and with days of rain and even more rain! Before and after pictures are already stunning and next year will be even better. Linda is really looking forward to working with the Ruskin teachers to help them learn about the garden and how to best utilize this space to educate K-8 students about growing plants and healthy foods.

She has also been working with a team to begin the process of converting the WSU Campus Community Garden and nearby areas into a large Pollinator Garden, hopefully complete one day with beehives.  The goal is to plant particularly delectable perennials to attract bees, butterflies and other pollinators while providing a colorful natural oasis on campus.

Extending the Circle, Moving Forward

Given Linda’s environmental science expertise, love of plants and gardening and knowledge of construction, this expansion was anticipated by those who know her. Her extensive background and experience allows Linda to consult both inside buildings and out. 

This year Linda has been happy to serve on the Advisory Committee for the 4th Annual Dayton Food Summit which will convene on Friday November 7th -- Be sure to register!  In addition to Local Food-related projects and developing community gardening projects, she has been involved with creating nature trails, outdoor play areas, and “Safe Routes to School and Play” initiatives so parents, teachers, and children can be more active and healthier. 

At Thumbprint Endeavors, we continue to find ways to reach out and extend all of our fingers to grasp Sustainability, particularly focusing on healthy communities, neighborhood development and schools.