Wednesday, June 17, 2009

The Beauty of Synergy

When people and events come together to create a whole that is more than the individual parts, that outcome is the beauty of synergy. Lately, I have experienced several of synergies and marveled at the way that the puzzle pieces fall into place in the right way, at the right time.

One such example would be the chance conversation with Rick Posey of K4 Architects in Cincinnati. Rick attended the Diggs Building tour on Wright State University campus and that conversation has led to many more as similar Green thinking is shared. Both Rick and I have “connections” with others in the Dayton-Cincinnati area and plans are underway to develop internships and other educational opportunities for students to have hands-on learning experiences about Green Building and Design. Synergy.

Then following a couple of interesting conversations, Belinda Kelney with Waibel Energy introduced me to Gregery Smith. Greg is forging ahead with Energy Optimizers USA, to consult with organizations, particularly school districts on energy plans. So, the connections with Thumbprint Endeavors were obvious and another Green Team is being formed to better serve our clients. Again, synergy.

And finally, the first Green Drinks Dayton event was hosted by Dayton Regional Green 3 (DRG3) on June 10th to foster like-minded folks meeting and discussing informally what they are working on. Again, Belinda Kelney was one of the organizers (excellent job done) and there were 35 or more in attendance. TE Associate, Barret Ramey will be attending the monthly USGBC Green Drinks event in Denver at the end of each month so whether Ohio or Colorado, look for a TE representative to be present and creating, you guessed it, synergies.

On June 25, 2009, DRG3 will host the Dayton Green Expo, a symposium to discuss sustainability efforts in the cities of Columbus, Cincinnati, and Indianapolis. Check on the DRG3 website for details.

Also, look for TE at the Energy Roundtable and Exhibition, hosted by the Dayton Development Coalition, being held at the Mound Advanced Technology Center on June 26th. We will be hosting a table so come by and say hello. Who knows -- maybe a coming together of Green pieces for a sustainable result will occur -- another synergy is born!