Friday, December 4, 2009

Why Renovating, Remodeling and Retrofitting are Key and Essential to Our Sustainable Future

We are finally coming to the realization that the ever-expanding way we use of land and resources is unsustainable. Municipalities have given tax breaks and incentives to build new factory and commercial buildings when nearby already developed facilities stood empty. Now we are faced with a glut of signs advertising the after effects of our overdevelopment. Time to rethink our strategy. It should not just be school children reciting the 3 R’s – Recycle, Re-use, Reduce – plus the very important 4th one -- Rethink. These four R’s along with Renovate and Remodel are key and essential to sustainable building and development.

According to Barret Ramey, LEED AP and head of the Green Building Denver Team of Thumbprint Endeavors, renovating or remodeling makes the most sense.

“Think of it this way. Reuse of existing space means that the building materials already in place and energy used to deconstruct a structure can be saved. Using the existing site and structure saves both resources and money. Then add in the savings from reduction or elimination of energy and other costs associated demolition and disposal. When calculated this way, we get at the true cost savings with renovating or retrofitting a structure for increased efficiency and habitability – it’s a win-win-win decision.”
- Barret Ramey, LEED AP

The LEED standards have certainly had their fair share of criticism, but most in the sustainable design and green building industry would agree that they are the best source we have presently for thinking about efficiently using land, materials, energy and resources. The new Version 3 of the Leadership Energy Efficient Design for New Construction (LEED – NC), the United States Green Building Council (USGBC, also has major renovation standards. USGBC also has enacted standards for retrofitting and maintenance/operations of existing building space, LEED EB.

Whether a builder or designer or the building owner opts for LEED certification, careful consideration of the LEED EB criteria should be their guiding principles to increase energy efficient building practices and better utilize construction resources. And add yet another R – Return on Investment, increased ROI. And that is where Thumbprint Endeavors can help. Our team of Green Building Professionals will help you to Green your business with redesign and renovation of building space and streamline operations for increased energy efficiency and profitability. For more information and to contact us, visit our website