Monday, March 31, 2014

Branching Out

Sometimes taking a new direction is a really good thing.  I recently attended my third Writer’s Workshop because I want to create an outlet for the many pieces of writing that I’ve produced over the years.  I also did a presentation last Saturday at the 47th annual Environmental Education Council of Ohio conference. These two things are related because while thinking about my topic of what motivates environmental educators and sustainability folks, I had to do some self-reflection as well.  We often go through our busy day-to-day lives with little time or energy to pause and reflect on the question of why? And by the same token, what keeps us passionate about our work? 

Of course, I’ve written several research articles over the years, (publish or perish in academia) and the last couple of articles in the Journal of Sustainability Education have been on a topic near and dear to my heart, getting children outside to explore and play in nature.  The hope of course is in doing that, their parents will also learn to appreciate and value nature and help to preserve natural spaces.  In researching 300+ responses from adults, the drastic contrast of how they spent their playtime as children is sadly different from the so-called play of today’s kids. 

So, in addition to my consulting and sustainability work, I want to write.  I want to write stories to encourage outdoor play. I want to write books, particularly fiction, with underlying sustainability and conservation themes woven in with characters that are healthy, emotionally and physically and truly connected and engaged in their real-world community, not merely in an electronic social media realm.

With this new adventure, I know I will need help and support as I learn the ropes.  In the workshops I’ve attended, they emphasize that finding an agent and getting published is very, very difficult.  I have to believe that where there is a will, there is a way.  So, please, send names and contact information if you have anyone in the world of publishing.  Many Thanks and Go Green!  We ALL thank you.