Monday, August 31, 2009

Sometimes the Solutions are Simple

It is true. Sometimes the solutions are simple, but folks just have not thought about it or they were just have not locked into the small changes (and the big ones) that can significantly change their energy consumption, miles per gallon, water usage, well, you name it.

This idea was pointed out once again as Barret and I walked through a local church to give them some ideas about becoming more “Green”. Just in an hour or so of walking around the church facility, we identified several simple, easy to do measures, the so-called “low hanging fruit”, that will allow this church to save on their energy bills, recycle more, and set the best Green example for the educating the congregation. (For more information on “low hanging fruit” see

We found that they appreciated helpful suggestions about simple things like unplugging equipment and appliances that were not in use several days of the week or closing blinds in rooms that get direct sunlight and heat up in the summer. Maybe it is as simple as having an energy audit conducted then following the weatherization or other recommendations outlined in the report.

These and other easy-to-implement solutions are part of the goal in saving energy resources and about helping this nonprofit group save money. Money that can go for more children’s program and community outreach – the places and causes that a church wants to put their money into rather than paying utility bills. Sometimes it is very simple to pick and enjoy the low hanging fruit and to harvest the energy savings.